A literature analysis and recommendations for ethical research

This document provides a summary of the literature regarding the appropriate use of individual geolocation mobility data sourced from advertisements on mobile phone apps. It seeks to answer whether the ends (i.e. benefits) justify the means (i.e. collection and use) of this data from an impact, accuracy, and ethical perspective.

While this literature analysis originates from an Aotearoa New Zealand context – and frequently refers back to that context – the discussion is relevant for any researchers or analysts considering the use of individual geolocation app data in any context. Likewise, while motivated by an investigation into the ethics and technical reliability of geolocation app data use for COVID-19 analysis purposes, the discussion in this document is relevant for anyone considering (or just interested in) the use of geolocation app data for any reason.

A series of ethical self-reflection questions and a decision-tree are presented in the concluding section of the document to aid researchers in deciding whether their use of geolocation app data might be ethically justifiable. This literature analysis concludes that the ends largely do not justify the means when it comes to the use of commercially collected individual geolocation app data.